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May 18, 2012

Annual Report online

N.C. State Student Media supports public access to local, state and federal government records. As we hold ourselves to the same standard, you can now find our 2011-2012 annual report… 

Mar 19, 2012

Student Media hires 2012-2013 student leaders

N.C. State’s Student Media Board of Directors hired the media’s top leaders for the 2012-2013 academic year at its March 13 regular meeting. Mark Herring, Alex Sanchez, Lisa Dickson, Michael… 

Mar 14, 2012

Nubian Message seeks editor applicants for 2012-13

Applications are now being accepted for editor of Nubian Message, the weekly sentinel of the African-American community at N.C. State celebrating its 20th year of publication in 2012-2013. The Nubian Message editor… 

Feb 24, 2012

Applications open for Student Media Board

The Student Media Board, which hires and provides input to the collective Student Media in accordance with our constitution, contains three student body representatives elected at-large in a student body… 

Feb 24, 2012

Student media leader interviews scheduled

Applications for Student Media leaders for the 2012-2013 academic year opened Jan. 18. A position package from each applicant was due Thursday, Feb. 23 at noon. The next two steps… 

Jan 18, 2012

Student Media seeks applications for 2012-2013 student leaders

Applications are now being accepted for editor-in-chief of Agromeck yearbook, Nubian Message, Technician, Windhover literary and arts magazine and managers of the business office and WKNC. 

Aug 12, 2011

Student Media Open House Aug. 15

Every year more than 300 N.C. State undergraduate and graduate students take on a role in Student Media. Collectively, our team runs a daily newspaper, a weekly multicultural newspaper, a… 

Jun 6, 2011

Annual report now online

As part of the transparency of our organization, each year, we post our annual report online. The annual report is one of several reports we are required to produce each… 

Dec 10, 2010

The Brick

Produced by the NCSU Student Media as a collaborative effort with Student Government, the Alumni Association and the First Year College, The Brick is a handbook of current traditions at… 

Sep 28, 2010

Wolf TV clip on ABC’s ‘Nightline’

ABC Nightline’s “Sign of the Times” feature on Silly Bandz last week included WolfTV’s “Silly Bandz Gangster Rap” among its YouTube tributes. The video was produced by Wolf TV Station…