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Board Report Guidelines


Sept. 10 ~ Oct. 8 ~ Nov. 12 ~ Jan. 9 ~ March 4 ~ April 8

Unless otherwise noted, the Student Media Board of Directors meets in Room 356 of the Witherspoon Student Center (the African American Cultural Center’s conference room). Each meeting will begin at 7 p.m. and is open to the public.


All editors and managers hired by the Student Media Board of Directors are required to prepare a written report for each regular meeting of the Student Media Board of Directors. These reports serve to keep the Board informed as well as to document the activities within the organization. They become an official part of the Student Media Board of Directors minutes and, as such, document the history of the organization.


Unless otherwise noted, board reports are due at the Thursday before the Tuesday Board meeting by noon so that the reports can be posted online and reviewed by Board members in advance of the meeting. Email the text of the report or a link to a Google doc containing said text to Patrick Neal.

2024-2025 Report Deadlines:   Sept. 5 | Oct. 3 | Nov. 7 | Jan. 4 | Feb. 28 | April 3. All reports are due by 5 p.m. on the day indicated.


The following is a checklist of areas that should be included in the reports, as they apply to your media outlet. Reports are not limited to these areas. If there is nothing to report in a specific area, just leave it off your report.

Revenue & Expenditures

  • May not apply to all outlets. Please omit this section if you have nothing to report under this heading.

Personnel & Recruitment

  • Who holds your key staff positions? Have there been any changes in the last month? Any key staff vacancies? How many people do you have on staff?
  • What recruitment efforts have you undertaken — tabling, open houses, interest events, etc. — and what were the results? How many contacts? How many new members came from those contacts?


  • Any useful numeric data should go here — web traffic, number of books sold, dollars raised through events like Shack-A-Thon and Double Barrel Benefit, number of submissions received, etc.

Training & Travel

  • What training has the staff undergone since the last Board meeting? Who conducted it? What were the learning outcomes?
  • What about conference travel or other outside training opportunities?


  • What challenging situations has your medium faced in the last month, how did you respond, and what were the outcomes?


  • What corrections, clarifications or retractions have you made in the last month, and why?
  • How has the staff handled any ethical dilemmas?
  • Corrections/clarifications (no matter how small); what is being done to reduce the number of corrections?
  • Any legal issues or potential issues?


  • This is both for deadlines met and upcoming deadlines.

Other Notes

  • This is for any other notes or observations that don’t fit in the categories outlined above. Please omit this section if you have nothing to report under this heading.