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Advisory Board meetings scheduled

As part of the student leader hiring process, each applicant for editor of Technician, Nubian Message, Agromeck and Windhover and manager of WKNC and the business office will be interviewed by an advisory board. The advisory board meeting will convene between Feb. 22 and March 11 for each of the four media groupings – newspaper, broadcast, annual publications, and the business office.

As part of the student leader hiring process, each applicant for editor of Technician, Nubian Message, Agromeck and Windhover and manager of WKNC and the business office will be interviewed by an advisory board. The advisory board meeting will convene between Feb. 22 and March 11 for each of the four media groupings – newspaper, broadcast, annual publications, and the business office. N.C. State’s spring break is March 4-8, during which no meetings will be scheduled.

The final step is the full STUDENT MEDIA BOARD MEETING on Tuesday, March 12 at 7 p.m. in 201 Witherspoon. During the meeting, a member from each individual advisory board will make a recommendation to the Student Media Board. The Board may then accept the recommendation and hire that candidate, reject the recommendation and interview the candidate(s), or choose to hire no candidate and reopen applications.

NEWSPAPER ADVISORY BOARD to interview the candidates for Nubian Message and Technician editor. Kierra Leggett, a junior in communication-media, is reapplying for Nubian Message editor. The candidate for Technician editor is Sam DeGrave, a junior in English, language, writing and rhetoric.

MeetingTuesday, Feb. 26 at 7 p.m. in 356 Witherspoon (inside the African American Cultural Center)


  1. Paul Ruddle, doctoral student, crop science, SBP appointed Student Media Board member
  2. Bryan Hum, senior, international studies and political science, CHASS appointed Student Media Board member
  3. Jessica Lucas, senior, communication-public relations, CHASS appointed Student Media Board member
  4. Mark Herring, editor, Technician
  5. Kierra Leggett, editor, Nubian Message
  6. Michael Biesecker, reporter, Associated Press, appointed professional Student Media Board member
  7. Dick Reavis, associate professor, English department
  8. Toni Thorpe, program coordinator, African American Cultural Center
  9. Nancy Wylke, DSS volunteer program coordinator, Volunteer Center of Durham
  10. Ben McNeely, senior web producer, News 14 Carolina, former Technician managing editor
  11. Tyler Dukes, managing editor, Reporters’ Lab, former Technician editor

Facilitator:  Patrick Neal, director of student media advising

BROADCAST MEDIA ADVISORY BOARD to interview the candidate(s) for WKNC general manager: Bri Aab, a junior in English-creative writing and communication-media, and Michael D’Argenio, a senior in computer engineering.

Meeting: Monday, Feb. 25 at 7:30 p.m. in 201 Witherspoon


  1. Christopher Watts, senior, English, elected Student Media Board member
  2. Michael Jones, general manager, WKNC 88.1 FM
  3. Jim Rothschild, director of station operations, WRAL, appointed professional Student Media Board member
  4. Dean Phillips, lecturer, communication department, appointed academic Student Media Board member
  5. Kelly McCullen, senior correspondent/anchor & emerging media producer, UNC-TV, former WKNC DJ
  6. Joe Ovies, afternoon drive co-host, 99.9 The Fan, former WKNC general manager

Facilitator: Jamie Lynn Gilbert, assistant coordinator of student media advising

ANNUAL PUBLICATIONS ADVISORY BOARD to interview the candidate(s) for Agromeck and Windhover editor. Chelsea Brown, a junior in graphic design, is applying for Agromeck editor. The candidate for Windhover editor is Ajita Banerjea, a sophomore in computer science.

Meeting: Monday, Feb. 25 at 6:30 p.m. at the African-American Cultural Center Library, 2nd floor Witherspoon


  1. Victoria Melbourne, senior, political science, SPB appointed Student Media Board member
  2. Alex Sanchez, editor, Agromeck
  3. Lisa Dickson, editor, Windhover
  4. Laura Zeff Schuchart, principal of Zeff Consulting, Inc., appointed professional Student Media Board member
  5. John Cooper Elias, marketing coordinator, Carolina Hurricanes, former Agromeck editor
  6. Britt Freeman, senior graphic designer, Gamil Design, former Windhover editor
  7. Susannah Brinkley, freelance graphic designer, former Agromeck editor
  8. Michele Chandler, account coordinator, Crossroads Public Relations, former Agromeck editor

Facilitator: Martha Collins, administrative and annual publications coordinator

BUSINESS OFFICE ADVISORY BOARD to interview the candidate(s) for Student Media’s business office manager: Sarah Buddo, a junior in business administration.

Meeting: Wednesday, Feb. 27 at 7 p.m. in 356 Witherspoon (inside the African American Cultural Center)


  1. Katherine Trapp, senior, business administration, Lonnie Poole College of Management appointed Student Media Board member
  2. Olivia Pope, business office manager, Student Media
  3. Mike Hartel, vice president and general manager, Curtis Media Group
  4. Lauren Sundberg, communication professional, former business office manager
  5. Kellie Brys, promotions specialist, Time Warner Cable Media Sales, former business office manager
  6. Robbie Williams, energy solutions account executive, Schneider Electric, former business office manager
  7. Amy Callahan, project coordinator, Cato Research
  8. Chanon Smith, pharmaceutical service specialist, AstraZeneca

Facilitator: Krystal Baker, business and marketing coordinator


  • Facilitators are ex-officio, non-voting members. Editors do not vote on their successors.
  • The advisory board for the business office makes the final decision. No Student Media Board action is required on this position.
  • All meetings are open to the public.
  • Candidates should not sit in on the statements or interviews of other candidates for the same position.
  • The advisory board may move into executive (closed) session for deliberations.